
In recent times, a large number of medical images are generated, due to the evolution of digital imaging modalities and computer vision application. Due to variation in the shape and size of the images, the retrieval task becomes more tedious in the large medical databases. So, it is essential in designing an effective automated system for medical image retrieval. In this research study, the input medical images are acquired from new Pap smear dataset, and then, the visible quality of acquired medical images is improved by applying image normalization technique. Furthermore, the hybrid feature extraction is accomplished using histogram of oriented gradients and modified local binary pattern to extract the color and texture feature vectors that significantly reduces the semantic gap between the feature vectors. The obtained feature vectors are fed to the independent condensed nearest neighbor classifier to classify the seven classes of cell images. Finally, relevant medical images are retrieved using chi square distance measure. Simulation results confirmed that the proposed model obtained effective performance in image retrieval in light of specificity, recall, precision, accuracy, and f-score. The proposed model almost achieved 98.88% of retrieval accuracy, which is better compared to other deep learning models such as long short-term memory network, deep neural network, and convolutional neural network.

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