
Audio Visual Aids (AVA) is one of the things that needs to be considered in conducting health promotion. Media commonly used in health promotion is audio aids, visual aids and audio-visual aids. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach, namely quasi experimental with randomized mathod design of two groups designe by using purposive sampling method which is a design that reveals the effect of cause and effect by involving the experimental group, but the selection of the two groups is not by random technique. The population in this study were all grade IV elementary school students in SD InpresLanraki I as many as 57 students, and SD InpresTamalanrea VI as many as 33 students. So that the total population is 90 students, no sampling is taken in this study so that it is called Total Sampling. The results of this study using the Wilcoxon test found that audio visual aids was effective against changes in knowledge, attitudes and actions of elementary school students in maintaining dental and oral health (p value 0.005). Extension needs to be done by using audio visual aids such as videos so that students ‘knowledge of the importance of oral and dental health increases, and can change students’ attitudes and actions in maintaining better oral and dental health.

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