
Background/Objectives: In modern day agriculture significantly depends on finite to infinitesimal changes around it. An efficient design of embedded device architecture builds upon these changes which affects productivity and made to reduce risk on agriculture. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The effectiveness of any embedded device depends on the technology used, it should be latest because at final people feel flexible and reliable to use. This architecture divides into two major functional units controlling and monitoring. The Atmel base controller is used to analyze sensor values and control output devices. Wi-Fi direct protocol is used to transmit data which analyzed by the controller to Wi-Fi receivers. Findings: Controlling is an autonomous function carried out by controller or a processor. In the other hand, there is a lot of developments in monitoring technology are very effective in terms of technology but failed in front of the uneducated people. In agriculture field the end users are mostly uneducated. Wi-Fi is the best solution because a lot of people use too Wi-Fi access because of their smart phones. Application/Improvement: Greenhouse controlling and monitoring using AT Mega controller based system with advanced Wi-Fi peer to peer direct protocol enable module ESP8266 is combined for effective workings, with a frequency of 5Ghzand data transmission through the network using an IP address. No need to design receivers every device which are capable of receiving Wi-Fi act as a receiver. It made end user ease of accessing and friendly to use. This is flexible for one to one and one to many communications, but Wi-Fi direct peer to peer technology can design for one to many and many to many transmissions. This is an application of the Internet of Things (IOT).

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