
In d dimensions, the model for a massless p-form in curved space is known to be a reducible gauge theory for p > 1, and therefore its covariant quantisation cannot be carried out using the standard Faddeev-Popov scheme. However, adding a mass term and also introducing a Stueckelberg reformulation of the resulting p-form model, one ends up with an irreducible gauge theory which can be quantised à la Faddeev and Popov. We derive a compact expression for the massive p-form effective action, {Gamma}_p^{(m)} , in terms of the functional determinants of Hodge-de Rham operators. We then show that the effective actions {Gamma}_p^{(m)} and {Gamma}_{d-p-1}^{(m)} differ by a topological invariant. This is a generalisation of the known result in the massless case that the effective actions Γp and Γd−p−2 coincide modulo a topological term. Finally, our analysis is extended to the case of massive super p-forms coupled to background mathcal{N} = 1 supergravity in four dimensions. Specifically, we study the quantum dynamics of the following massive super p-forms: (i) vector multiplet; (ii) tensor multiplet; and (iii) three-form multiplet. It is demonstrated that the effective actions of the massive vector and tensor multiplets coincide. The effective action of the massive three-form is shown to be a sum of those corresponding to two massive scalar multiplets, modulo a topological term.


  • In d dimensions, the model for a massless p-form in curved space is known to be a reducible gauge theory for p > 1, and its covariant quantisation cannot be carried out using the standard Faddeev-Popov scheme

  • We show that the effective actions Γ(pm) and Γ(dm−)p−1 differ by a topological invariant

  • For 0 ≤ p ≤ d − 1, the effective actions Γ(pm) and Γ(dm−)p−1 differ by a topological invariant

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Classical dynamics

Let Ba1...ap(x) = B[a1...ap](x) ≡ Ba(p)(x) be a differential p-form in curved space Md. The dynamics of a massive p-form is described by the action where Fa1...ap+1 (B) := (p + 1)∇[a1 Ba2...ap+1] is the field strength, and m the mass. It is assumed in this section that m = 0. The Euler-Lagrange equation corresponding to (2.1) is ∇bFba1...ap (B) − m2Ba1...ap = 0 . where p is the covariant d’Alembertian (A.5). The symmetric energy-momentum tensor corresponding to the model (2.1) is on the mass shell.

Duality equivalence
Quantum equivalence
Two-form field
Three-form field
Massive super p-forms in four dimensions
Quantisation of the massive vector multiplet model
Quantisation of the massive tensor multiplet model
Quantisation of the massive three-form multiplet model
Analysis of the results
Discussion and generalisations
A Hodge-de Rham operator
B Massless p-forms in d dimensions
C Massless three-form in four dimensions
D Duality with topological mass term
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