
Building on previous work by us and by Lipatov, we present an effective action approach to the resummation of all semiclassical (i.e. O(ℏ −1)) contributions to the scattering phase arising in high-energy gravitational collisions. By using an infrared-safe expression for Lipatov's effective action, we derive an eikonal form of the scattering matrix and check that the superstring amplitude result is reproduced at first order in the expansion parameter R 2 / b 2, where R, b are the gravitational radius and the impact parameter, respectively. If rescattering of produced gravitons is neglected, the longitudinal coordinate dependence can be explicitly factored out and exhibits the characteristics of a shock-wave metric while the transverse dynamics is described by a reduced two-dimensional effective action. Singular behaviours in the latter, signalling black hole formation, can be looked for.

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