
The aim of this study was the study the effect of supplementation of hens layer ration with 3% of Nigella sativa seeds on egg characteristics and some biochemical blood parameters . Atotal of 40 Isa brown birds of 30 at age were randomly divided into two groups(20 hens for each group) .The first group (control) feeding on standerd diet along the expermintal period .The second group (treatment) feeding on standerd diet with 3% of Nigella sativa along the expermintal period . The chemical egg charactaries included the percentage of chemical analysis for white and egg yolk in the two groups were moisture,ash,lipid,protein, charbohydrates, cholesterol concentration,high density lipo protein,low density lipo protein and free fatty acid in egg yolk. The biochemical blood parameters included cholesterol concentration ,high and low density lipo proteins ,total protein,uric acid concentration and liver enzymes concentration GOT,GPT,ALP. The data showed there was no significant differences(p>0.05) in the percentage of chemical analysis of egg white between two groups and in the percentage of moisture and ash in the egg yolk in the two treatments.highly significant in the charbohydrates and protein in the egg yolk in the group which treated with 3% of Nigella sativa. The data obtained to the significant reduction in the cholesterol concentration and free fatty acid and low density lipo protein in egg yolk in the treatment group compared with control,higly significant (p<0.05) in high density lipo proteins in the egg yolk of treatment group. In the biochemical blood parameters the result showed to the present of significant reduction in the cholesterol concentration ,low density lipoproteins and liver enzymes GOT,GPT and highly significant in high density lipoproteins,total blood protein and ALP enzyme in the treatment group compared with the control. This study showed to that the addition of 3%Nigella sativa seeds to the hens layer ration lead to reduction in the cholesterol concentration and lipid in eggs and blood and increase in protein concentration in egg and blood .The use of Nigella sativa as feed additives lead to improved the productional and physiological performance in the poultry,in addition to that the safe the customer from the artificial and the chemical materials which added to the poultry ration for improve the production from egg and meat.

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