
Lentinus edodes (LE) is very popular in the world and also considered as high purine food. However, few focuses on purine types and its change during food processing. Here, we first compared 3 drying techniques, including roast-drying, freeze-drying, sun-drying on purine contents of LE by using acidolysis and HPLC. It showed that adenine decreased significantly after roast-drying (120°C), which may be caused by thermal damage of DNA. Total purine decreased significantly after freeze-drying, while roast-dried and sun-dried LE remained unchanged. The effect of moist heat (boiling) on LE purine were also evaluated. Total purine increased due to xanthine increasement (331.72±50.07%). And purine contents transferred into boiled liquid was higher than that in boiled solid. Compared with sun-dry and roast-dry processing, freeze-drying could notably affect the purine release from LE and decrease purine contents. Therefore, freeze-drying is recommended for process techniques for hyperuricemia and gouts populations.

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