
In high seismic regions it has often been the practice to use oversized base slabs for the major nuclear power plant structures in order to prevent, or at least minimize, the amount of dynamic base slab uplift which will result from the overturning moments developed during seismic ground motion. Two major reasons have been expressed as to why dynamic base slab uplift should be minimized: (1) As nuclear power plants are normally designed for seismic loadings based upon linear analysis, and since soil-structure interaction becomes nonlinear when only a portion of the base slab is in contact with the soil, linear elastic analysis may be unacceptable if base slab uplift occurs (as the resultant design loads may be incorrect), and (2) substantial uplift could cause excessive toe pressures in the supporting soil and significant impact forces when the slab recontacts the soil. The primary purpose of this paper is to evaluate the importance of the nonlinear soil-structure interaction effects resulting from substantial base slab uplift occurring during a seismic excitation. The structure considered for this investigation consisted of the containment building and prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV) for a typical HTGR plant. A simplified dynamic mathematical model was utilized consisting of a conventional lumped mass structure with soil-structure interaction accounted for by translational and rotational springs whose properties are determined by elastic half space theory. Three different site soil conditions (a rock site, a moderately stiff soil, and a soft soil site) and two levels of horizontal ground motion (0.3 and 0.5 g earthquakes) were considered. Based upon the parametric cases analyzed in this investigation, it may be concluded that linear analysis (which ignores the nonlinear soil-structure interaction effects of base slab uplift) can be used to conservatively estimate the important behavior of the base slab even under conditions of substantial base slab uplift. For all cases investigated here, linear analysis resulted in higher base overturning moments, greater toe pressures, and greater heel uplift distances than nonlinear analyses. It may also be concluded that the nonlinear effect of uplift does not result in any significant lengthening of the fundamental period of the structure. Also, except in the short period region (period less than half of the fundamental period) only negligible differences exist between in-structure response spectra based on linear analysis and those based on nonlinear analysis. Finally, it may be concluded that for sites in which soil-structure interaction is not significant, as for the rock site, the peak structural response (shears and moments) at all locations above the base mat are not significantly influenced by the nonlinear effects of base slab uplift. However, for the two soil sites the peak shears and moments are, in a few instances, significantly different between linear and nonlinear analyses. As a result, linear analysis may be used to determine all structural response for rock sites even when there is substantial base slab uplift. However, for soil sites, nonlinear analyses are necessary if substantial base slab uplift occurs.

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