
Mn2+ added to the inner bathing solution of frog skin caused a transient increase in potential difference (PD) and a decrease in total skin conductance and mannitol influx. Net Na flux and short-circuit current (Is. c.) were also reduced, the isotopic net flux being reduced more than Is. c. This observed discrepancy appears to be the result of Cl- retention in the outer medium since it was not observed when the skin was bathed in a sulfate-substituted chloride-free solution. The effect of Mn2+ on the inner side of the frog skin appears to be due to a reduced permeation of Na+ and Cl- through the outer barrier of the skin. Addition of Mn2+ to the outer solution bathing the frog skin caused an increase in PD and a smaller increase in Is. c. These changes were not associated with alterations in the fluxes of Na+ or mannitol and were observed only when chloride was present in the bathing solutions. The effect of Mn2+ on this side of the frog skin may therefore be due to a net retention of Cl- in the outer solution.

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