
A field experiment was conducted during summer 1991 and 1992 with 2 sources olyinc (ZIISO, and Zn-EDTA), 2 methods of application (soil and foliar) and 4 levels of nitrogen (0. 30. 60. 00 liptila) along with 4 levels of sole nitrogen in shallow lowlands with suboptimal (0.84 1111111)xi~lc lcvcl at Bhubaneshwar. Rice (Orym safivaL.) variety Sarathi (120 days) was used in Illc csperi~llent. Combined application of zinc and nitrogen recorded grain and straw yields ol40.1 :~nd5 .S tj/I~a I respectively compared with 37.4 and 45.6 qha obtained from nitrogen alone, giving ill1 ;~tlditio~lnl income of Rs 619ha. The uptake of nitrogen and zinc increased progressively with incrc;~sctl lcvcls of nitrogen. Among the methods of application, soil application of zinc was superior to liilii~r sllri~y. v

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