
A field experiment was conducted during 2018 to assess the effect of different weed management strategies on weed count and yield attributes of apple under high density orchard system. The said investigation was carried out in experimental fields of Division of Fruit Science, SKUAST, Kashmir. One year old trees of exotic apple cv. “Elstar” grafted on M-9 T337 rootstock, introduced from Holland in March 2017, were selected for experimentation. Thirteen selected treatments were laid in randomized complete block design, with each treatment replicated thrice. The results revealed that the use of the combination of pre and post emergent herbicide was significantly effective in controlling weeds. Minimum weed count (0.25) was found under T12 (Oxyfluorfen followed by Glufosinate ammonium). Maximum incidence of weeds was recorded under unweeded control. Furthermore significant influence of different weed management strategies was observed on initial and final fruit set in high density apple trees. Maximum final fruit retention was obtained under paddy straw mulch. The highest fruit yield per tree was recorded under T12 (Oxyfluorfen followed by Glufosinate ammonium) which was statistically at par with T5 (paddy straw mulch). Minimum final fruit retention, fruit yield and yield efficiency was recorded under control indicating that weed management strategies are very much essential under high density orchard system for obtaining higher yield.

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