
Abstract The successful culture of fish eggs often depends on chemical treatment to control fungus. Attempts to control fungus without chemicals have centered on the use of elevated water flow to roll fish eggs in hatching jars. We cultured uninfected and fungusinfected eggs of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at various flow rates. Eggs that were cultured at 300- and 600-mL/min flow rates exhibited no egg movement, higher rates of fungal infection, and reduced hatching success. Eggs cultured at a 1,200-mL/min flow were lifted into the water column and rolled moderately; this flow rate significantly increased the percent hatch due to control of fungus. A flow of 1,800 mL/min vigorously rolled the eggs and controlled fungus, but it also resulted in increased egg mortality. The use of water flow to roll eggs controlled fungal infections and may reduce, or in some circumstances eliminate the need for chemical treatment. The success of this physical method of treatment is dependent on hatchery personnel ma...

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