
Functional electrical stimulation may be used to correct hemiplegic drop foot. An optimised stimulation envelope to reproduce the EMG pattern observed in the tibialis anterior (TA) during healthy gait has been proposed by O’Keeffe et al. [O’Keeffe, D.T., Donnelly, A.E., Lyons, G.M., 2003. The development of a potential optimised stimulation intensity envelope for drop foot applications. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering]. However this envelope did not attempt to account for changes in TA activity with walking speed. The objective of this paper was to provide data to enable the specification of an algorithm to control the adaptation of an envelope with walking speed. Ten young healthy subjects walked on a treadmill at 11 different walking speeds while TA EMG was recorded. The results showed that TA EMG recorded around initial contact and at toe off changed with walking speed. At the slowest velocities, equivalent to hemiplegic walking, the toe-off burst (TOB) of EMG activity had larger peak amplitude than that of the heel-strike burst (HSB). The peak amplitude ratio of TOB:HSB was 1:0.69 at the slowest speed compared to, 1:1.18 and 1:1.5 for the self-selected and fastest speed, respectively. These results suggest that an FES envelope, which produces larger EMG amplitude for the TOB than the HSB, would be more appropriate at walking speeds typical of hemiplegic patients.

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