
12Cr heat resistant steels with different concentration of Co and W, while Mo equivalent (Mo+1/2W) was fixed at 1.6, were prepared by arc-melting and hot rolling. Mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile tests conducted with the strain rate 2×10-5S-1 at 575oC, 600oC and 625oC instead of time-consuming creep tests. The results show that when Co content is fixed, the steel with 1.5 wt% W is found having the best deformation resistance which is strong work hardening and slow strain softening. Apparent activation energy of the steel with 3.1 wt% Co and 1.5 wt% W is in the range of 370~413 kJ/mol, higher than those of the other steels in our study, which are close to the self-diffusion activation energy of iron (239 kJ/mol). Therefore, the steel with 3.1 % Co and 1.5% W is suggested as a potential candidate material for 625oC~650oC class USC steam turbines.

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