
The commercial production of plantains and bananas (Musa spp.) involves several aspects to overcome, including those ones related to abiotic and biotic factors. Catalysis, S. L. Agroveterinary Division has developed the product VIUSID agro® as a plant growth promoter in agriculture. Research centers from several countries have shown field studies that reveal the product efficacy. Studies conducted on this topic support the importance of the use of this product in crops, such as cassava, papaya, pumpkin, cucumber, bean, chickpea, garlic, among others at the Research Institute of Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops (INIVIT). This research is carried out with the aim of determining the effect of VIUSID agro® on the growth of banana seedlings. The experimental design was conducted in February 2020, using banana Musa AAA seedlings, Cavendish subgroup, 'Gran enano' cultivar of six months of age from meristem cultures, transplanted to polyethylene bags with a mixture of red soil and organic matter (70:30%), located at the Center for Accelerated Seed Reproduction (CRAS). VIUSID agro® (0,2 mL L-1) was applied as foliar application during the first, third and fifth weeks after transplanting. The treated seedlings showed significant statistical differences in terms of: basal diameter (mm), height (cm), number of leaves, foliar area (cm2), radial length of emerged roots directly from the corm (cm), biomass of the foliar and belowground area with respect to the control treatment. VIUSID agro® is an excellent biostimulant, which allows the farmer to take to his farms more vigorous and better adapted seedlings to adverse conditions.

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