
Aims: In the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey it is estimated that the gastric cancer is seen more frequently compared to other regions. As is well known, a reduction in the incidence of certain cancers with high vitamin D value was identified, and vitamin D has been shown to have positive effects on the prognosis of these diseases. In our study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between vitamin D values before treatment and prognosis in patients with gastric cancer. Methods: This study includes 76 patients who had diagnosis of gastric cancer for the first time and admitted to Oncology Clinic in Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Medicine (YYU) Hospital. Patients inclusion criterias have been identified as lack of story for recently blood transfusion, treatment with any medication and being taken any mineral supplements. Patients vitamin D and tumor markers values were measured at diagnosis. Vitamin D values at diagnosis and stage of the disease, 6. 12. month mortality and disease progression were compared. Results: A total of 76 patients were included in the study. Mean value of vitamin D was 16.1 (3-27). There was not a significant correlation between vitamin D value and stage of disease. Mean age was 60(33-89). Of the patients 26 (34.2 percent) had no metastasis, 15 (19.2 percent) had only liver metastasis, 8(10.5 percent) had only lung metastasis and 27(35.5 percent) had two or more region metastasis. Conclusion: In our study, vitamin D deficiency was present in all gastric cancer patients regardless of stage, indicating that vitamin D deficiency is a poor risk factor in gastric cancer.

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