
People’s altered life style, dietary habits makes many metabolic changes in the body and ultimately have made them victim of many diseases. Obesity is one of those diseases. It is not only a disease but also precursor of so many diseases like dyslipidemia, IHD, CAD, Hypertension, Diabetes etc. It is also a social stigma. In Ayurveda, the management of Sthaulya is described through various aspects. According to Charaka, Sthaulya is a Bahudoshaja disease. Hence its management should be planned with Virechana Karma and Shamana drugs. Following the dictum of Charaka for the management of complicated Bahudoshaja Vyadhi like Sthaulya, Virechana Karma is advocated along with effect of Shamana drugs. Keeping in view the above concept, a research work was carried out to assess the actual role of Virechana in the management of disease Sthaulya. In this study total 30 patients were treated with Virechana followed by Sansarjana Karma. At the end of study patients had shown significant effect on weight and B.M.I. parameters.

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