
Mutations were induced in Black gram (Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper) varieties namely ADT 3 and Co- 6. Seeds treated with gamma rays doses at 200, 300 and 400 Gy and Electron beam viz., 200, 300 and 400 Gy and combined treatment (Electron beam + gamma rays) 200+200, 300+300 and 400 +400 Gy. Different types of Macro mutants and micro mutants were screened in M2 generation. The frequency and the spectrum of the viable mutants were estimated in M2 generation both in M1 plants basis and M2 seedling basis. The highest frequency of viable mutants was recorded in ADT 3.The highest number of mutants was recorded in electron beam followed by Gamma rays and combined treatment (Electron beam + gamma rays). The present study reveals good scope for isolation of suitable morphological traits mutants induced may be useful in breeding programmes for the improvement of blackgram with agronomically desirable character which force is utilized in future breeding programme.

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