
ABSTRACT In order to study the effect of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost and vermicompost on morpho-physiological properties and yield of canola under drought stress conditions, an experiment was conducted as factorial arrangement based on randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments consisted of three levels of water regimes, including: 75% of the field capacity for well-watered and 55% and 35% for moderate and severe stress, respectively, and biofertilizer in five levels, including: nonapplication of biofertilizer (control), application of MSW compost, and vermicompost at 2% and 4% levels. Results showed that interaction of irrigation and biofertilizer had significantly affected on all traits except leaf area ratio and nitrogen percent. The moderate and severe stress significantly reduced all traits compared to normal irrigation. Application of 4% vermicompost was resulted in increased growth, biomass and yield of canola under normal irrigation, moderate and severe drought stress compared to other biofertilizer treatments.

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