
Vaya (age) plays a significant role in Ayurveda in respect to disease, prognosis, and treatment. Three broad classifications of Vaya according to Ayurveda are Balya Avastha (young age), Madhyama Avastha (middle age), and Jirna Avastha (old age). In Ayurveda, both Shodhana (purification) and Shamana (palliative) Chikitsa (treatment) are indicated in various diseases according to Vaya. An Ayurvedic physician should follow the general rules regarding Panchakarma procedures after the assessment of age. The present article elaborates various Panchakarma procedures according to Vaya in respect of Snehana, Swedana, Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktmokshana. Along with the doses of drugs, instrumentation used in Panchakarma according to Vaya is also given special consideration in this article. Ayurveda texts have been studied to collect and compile data regarding the dose of drugs and instrumentation used in various Panchakarma procedures mentioned in relation to Vaya. In Ayurveda, Vaya is an important factor to consider particularly in the case of Panchakarma procedures. Special attention should be given while prescribing Panchakarma procedures to children and in old age. Vaya should be considered as an important parameter where Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa are to be prescribed. There is a need to pay much attention to Vaya where Panchakarma procedures have to be selected, particularly in the case of children and the elderly.

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