
1. The economic effectiveness of PSS substantially depends on the conditions of development of power systems taking shape (system factors), which in the future are characterized by considerable ambiguity. 2. With consideration of the decisive importance of the positive role of PSS in increasing the share of NPS in power systems, their effectiveness is influenced most by such factors determining the indicated role as the final expenditures on fossil fuel and character of development of NPS — free or specified regardless of the start-up of PSS. The next factors with respect to degree of influence are the extent of unloading the base-load power equipment, density of the daily load curve of the EPS, technical and economic indices of substituted power stations, and the share of PSS in the power systems. 3. Depending on the indicated factors, the economically permissible specific investments in peak-load PSS (hday=4–6 h) vary within 152–340 rubles/kW with their weighted average value of 235 rubles/kW. For semipeak-load PSS with hday=10 h the weighted average value of permissible investments is 330 rubles/kW, and for hday=14 it is 450 rubles/kW, and for PSS with weakly regulation for hday=10–12 h it is 300–330 rubles/kW. 4. The investigations showed the high (on average for possible conditions of development of the EPS) economic effectiveness of PSS, the start-up of which, and especially of peak-load stations, should be one of the main means of solving the problem of covering the variable part of the load curves of power systems of the European section of the integrated power system of the USSR.

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