
The present investigation was conducted during two successive, ( 2014 ) and ( 2015 ) seasons, on Koronaki olive trees of about 15 years old. The trees have been grown in a private farm at Nasr-city, Cairo, Egypt. All the trees in this investigation were similar in growth, healthy, apparently free from disease and the trees were planted at 5x5 meters a part. All the trees received the recommended amount of fertilizers and Irrigation water and the soil at the experimental orchard was classified as sandy in texture. This study aimed to investigate the suitable pollinizers for Koronaki olive cultivar in effort to increase their production efficiency. Through study the effect of open, self and cross-pollinations by Kalamata pollen grains, Picual pollen grains and Manzanillo pollen grains. Results cleared that cross pollination increase some fruit characteristics such as fruit set %, fruit retention, fruit weight, fruit size, seed weight, pulp weight and oil percentage of Koronaki olive cultivar compared with self-pollination and this increase may be attributed to the effect of cross-pollination in reduce the aborted seed and increase the percent of double seeds fruits. Furthermore, open pollination gave a good resulting increasing the production efficiency of Koronaki olive trees. Which was a wind-pollinated species and generally considered to be self-incompatible also cross-incompatibility exists between some cultivars.

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