
 Ice cream is a dairy product prepared with the addition of various types of ingredients to make desirable quality liked by consumers of various ages. Ice cream industry at Pakistan is also concerned with preparation of new flavour. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of various types of ingredients on the physicochemical properties of ice cream. The complete this study, randomized design was used. The three types of milk cow milk, buffalo milk and skimmed milk were used with the addition of table sugar and aspartame as sweetener whereas, the vegetable ghee and fresh milk cream were used to improve the quality of ice cream.The result observed shown statistically significant difference (P< 0.05) in each sampleforoBrix, ash %, fat %, protein %, sucrose%and carbohydrate content respectively. Ice cream prepared with buffalo milk observed with higher Tss (oBrix) of 18.7% pH 6.71, ash% 0.81, total fat9.03%, protein8.34%, sucrose11.18% and total carbohydrate29.7% were recorded in ice cream samples.Whereas, ice cream prepared with cow milk observed low in Tssfat, protein, sucroseand total carbohydrate while the ice cream prepared with skimmed milk power result in lower Tss of 15.92 less ash content0.5 very low quantity of fat1.75% protein 3.32% sucrose 7.87% and carbohydrates 20.93%. Therefore, it is concluded from this study that ice cream prepared with buffalo milk and cow milk is highly nutritious and appealing to the consumer.

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