
Antibiotics have been banned to be used as feed additives in animal feed recent years due to adverse effect of antibiotics. Alternative feed additives to replace the role of antibiotics such as pre-probiotics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate administration of various feed additives in animal feed on performance and hematological parameters of local chickens. Totally 200 mixed sex local chickens were randomly distributed based on the different treatment groups consisting to 4 treatments and 5 replications. Application of 4 treatments in this study was administration of different feed additives either in the water or mixed feed = control-vita chick 0.7 g p / liter; A1=20 ml per liter probio-FM; A2=0.08 % MOS per kg in feed and A3 = phytogenic as herbal KI 5 ml per liter. Parameters evaluated in this study were animal performance [BW, FI and FCE] each month up to 3 months and hematological parameters. The results in this experiment indicated that there were no significant different [P≥0.05] between treatments for performance except for body weight in the first month. Application of feed additives significantly influenced [P≤0.05] hematological parameters [erythrosine, thrombosis and hemoglobin] of local chickens but not for leukocyte and hematocrit.

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