
Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common medical health problems that may happen during pregnancy and may lead to a range of short and long-term maternal, fetal as well as neonatal complications. However, effective management and education on GDM self-care measures improve pregnancy outcomes for both women and their neonates.Aim: The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of utilizing developed gestational diabetes mellitus guideline on pregnancy and childbirth outcomes.Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was used at Antenatal Clinic of Obstetric and Gynecological Specialty Center at Mansoura University Hospitals, Mansoura city. A purposive sample of 126 pregnant women diagnosed with GDM, assigned to the intervention group (n = 63) who utilized the Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Guideline (GDMG) of care in addition to routine antenatal care and control group (n = 63) who followed routine antenatal care only. Tools: Three tools were used to collect data from participants as A structured interview schedule, maternal assessment record and fetal & neonatal assessment record.Results: The current study findings indicated that, there was a highly statistical significant reduction of body mass index and the mean random blood glucose levels at 34 & 37 weeks’ of pregnancy after intervention in the GDMG group than control groups (p < .001). Also, there was a statistical significant reduction in the occurrence of maternal complications as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, preterm labor and polyhydramnios in the GDMG group .Similarly, the neonates of the GDMG group had better Apgar scores after birth & lower incidence for developing neonatal complications as prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome and NICU admission.Conclusions and Recommendations: This study showed that, pregnant women with GDM who utilized the GDMG had better maternal & neonatal outcomes than those who did not utilize it. It is recommended to provide a manual GDMG to all pregnant women with GDM for better lifestyle changes & maintaining self-management regimen as well as better pregnancy outcomes.

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