
Objectives. The effect of the unicornuate uterus on the reproductive health and quality of life of woman has been analyzed. Materials and methods. The study included 26 patients with unicornuate uterus aged 25 to 42 years and 20 women without gynecological pathology. Diagnosis of uterine abnomalies was based on patient complaints, medical history and life history, as well as clinical and laboratory and instrumental examinations. The severity of dysmenorrhea was determined using a visual analogue pain scale, women's quality of life was assessed using a short SF-12 health questionnaire. Results. The average age of the surveyed women was 30.2 ± 3.9 years. All patients with unicornuete uterus by subclasses were distributed as follows: subclass U4a (unicornuate uterus with rudimentary cavity) – 69.2% of patients, subclass U4b (unicornuate uterus without rudimentary cavity in the contralateral horn or with its aplasia) – 30.8%. In all patients was confirmed normal karyotype – 46XX. The combination of a unicornuate uterus with a defect of the urinary system (aplasia, doubling, or kidney dystopia) occurred in 23.1% of women. It has been found that in women with unicornuate uterus, clinical symptoms in 76.9% of cases are accompanied by dysmenorrhea. The unicornuate uterus in 69.2% of cases causes negative reproductive outcomes, among which 26.9% – early spontaneous abortions, 11.5% – ectopic pregnancy. In 46.2% of cases the unicornuate uterus is combined with other gynecological pathology, whereby the incidence of concomitant gynecologic pathology is significantly more frequent in U4a patients than in the U4b subclass (˂0.01). The severity of dysmenorrhea in the main group was 5.8 ± 1.8 points (the difference was significant compared with the control group, p = 0.0032). Conclusions. Due to the low physical subunit, the unicornuate uterus significantly impairs the quality of life of women, which was significantly lower in the group of patients with unicornuate uterus compared to the control group (total SF-12 score: 85.4 ± 11.2 vs. 95.8 ± 12.1; p = 0.002).


  • Пацієнток, підклас U4b

  • Pourcelot [et al.] // J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod

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В дослідження було включено 26 пацієнток з однорогою маткою віком від 25 до 42 років. Всім пацієнткам проводили визначення каріотипу, медико-генетичне консультування та УЗД сечовидільної системи, оскільки відомо, що аномалії розвитку матки часто поєднуються з аномаліями нирок та опорно-рухового апарату [10]. Що дисменорея є частим симптомом у жінок з аномаліями розвитку матки, у всіх пацієнток за допомогою візуальної аналогової шкали болю (ВАШ) визначали її важкість [12].

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