
<p>Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the level of bone turnover markers (serum middle fragment of osteocalcin and b-CrossLaps) in young female athletes involved in different sports, as well as to determine the relation between bone turnover markers (BMT) and type of sports activity, weekly physical exertion and body mass index. Methods. Out of a total of 111 female participants, 78 of them were elite athletes while the control group consisted of 33 female students of the faculty of medicine, of a similar age. Athletes with any kind of menstrual irregularity (N=18) were excluded from the study. Therefore, the sample was comprised of 27 basketball and handball players, 11 middleand long-distance runners and 22 dancers. Results. Athletes belonging to ball game group had significantly greater body mass index and sport experience compared to the other two groups, while the dancers had the lowest weekly physical exertion. There was a statistically significant difference in serum level of osteocalcin bone markers (49.55 ± 16.83 vs. 36.13 ± 7.26; p = 0.001) and b-CrossLaps (0.75 ± 0.25 vs. 0.53 ± 0.14; p = 0.001) between female athletes and the control group respondents. Ball game players had a greater osteogenic effect compared to runners and dancers (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the results revealed significant connection between weekly physical exertion and body mass index on the one hand and BMT level on the other hand. Conclusion. Chronic physical activity exerts an osteogenic effect, which is made evident by the concentration of serum level of osteocalcin significantly connected with weekly physical exertion.</p>


  • The aim of the study was to determine the level of bone turnover markers in young female athletes involved in different sports, as well as to determine the relation between bone turnover markers (BMT) and type of sports activity, weekly physical exertion and body mass index

  • Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se odrede koncentracije markera koštanog metabolizma u serumu sportistkinja koje se bave različitim sportovima, kao i njihova povezanost sa vrstom sporta, sedmičnim fizičkim opterećenjem i indeksom tjelesne mase

  • The results revealed significant connection between weekly physical exertion and body mass index on the one hand and BMT level on the other hand

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Kratak sadržaj

Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se odrede koncentracije markera koštanog metabolizma (srednji fragment osteokalcina i β-CrossLaps) u serumu sportistkinja koje se bave različitim sportovima, kao i njihova povezanost sa vrstom sporta, sedmičnim fizičkim opterećenjem i indeksom tjelesne mase. Praćenjem koncentracija različitih molekula u krvi i urinu, koji se oslobađaju tokom procesa koštanog remodelovanja, omogućava procjenu pravca metabolizma kosti (resorpcije ili formiranja kosti) mnogo ranije nego li one budu vidljive mjerenjem BMD. Prvi cilj ove studije je bio odrediti pravac metabolizma kosti mladih sportistkinja koje su pod hroničnim uticajem fizičke aktivnosti u odnosu na nesportistkinje određivanjem koncentracija koštanih markera. Markeri koštanog metabolizma kod elitnih sportistkinja sportom usmjeriti metabolizam kosti u pravcu formiranja, kao i da će sportiskinje sa većim sedmičnim opterećenjem i optimalnom vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase imati veći osteogeni efekat

Metode rada
Stepen fizičkog opterećenja skeleta je izražen
BMI p Sedmično fizičko opterećenje p
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