
Noise pollution is one of the most obvious problems in cities,As a result of population growth and technological advances in transportation, transportation of all kinds is considered the most dangerous source of noise,Because they contribute to a high proportion of noise and affect a large number of urban residents.  The main aim of this study is to identify the sound pollution sources in the city of Hawler  and its effects. The study also aims at proposing the best solution possible. Raising the awareness of people to protect the environment, following standard procedures, reducing pollution due to noises, and identifying noise sources.   Research plan  The aim of the study requires to divide the study into three sections. Section one refers to the theoretical outline of the area under study which includes three themes. The first theme discusses the technical terms and concepts, second theme deals with the major sound pollution sources, the third one is dedicated to introducing the area of the study. While in section two we have analyzed the time distribution of the noises and their sources in Hawler  city. This section also have three themes, the first one id devoted to the place of the noise, the second one presents noise time distribution, and the last one light is shed on consequences and solutions of the noises..

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