
✓ In this study the authors have examined the effects of transluminal angioplasty on cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the management of intractable vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Fourteen consecutively enrolled patients underwent attempted angioplasty with or without intraarterial infusion of papaverine. Twelve patients underwent pre- and postangioplasty xenon-enhanced computerized tomography (Xe-CT) scanning to measure regional CBF in 55 to 65 regions of interest (ROIs) per patient. Angioplasty was possible in 13 (93%) of 14 patients, with angiographically demonstrated improvement in all 13. Twelve (92%) of the 13 patients were neurologically improved following angioplasty; seven (58%) of the 12 patients who improved had a complete reversal of all delayed ischemic deficits. Angioplasty significantly decreased the mean number of ROIs at risk (11.4 ROIs pre- and 0.9 ROIs postangioplasty) (p < 0.00005, t-test). All patients had a reduction in the number of ROIs at risk after angio...

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