
This paper aimed to demonstrate the proximate composition of Yava (Barley) when subjected to traditional processing methods explained in Ayurveda (i.e. Roasting, Boiling, germination, Bhavana with triphala) and change in properties in terms of Nutritive Value. Raw ingredients were obtained, cleaned and divided into five batches. The first batch of material was raw barley flour and considered as control. The second Third, Fourth and fifth batch samples were Roasted, Germinated, Boiled and Triphala Barley respectively. Proximate composition such as moisture, ash, protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrate and energy, Vitamins and Minerals were determined using the standard procedures. Increase in Ash, Fibre, Fat and Mineral content was seen in Triphala barley and Protein, Vitamin and Mineral content in Sprouted barley. There was decrease in the Moisture, Protein, Fat and Fibre content of fried barley and decrease in the Fat, Fibre and Carbohydrate content of Boiled Barley. Traditional processing methods explained in Ayurveda greatly influenced the nutritional composition of Barley flours. This study concluded that the Barley have great nutritional values that could be harnessed by roasting, germination, Boiling and Mixing with herbal drugs to meet nutritional needs and may be used in formulation of various foods.

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