
3D model was performed using the ANSYS program to investigate the behaviour of piles embedded in a liquefiable area during earthquakes. The model contained a CPT215 element that has an additional degree of freedom for water pressure. Two components of the movement were employed to the model for EL-CENTRO earthquake, 1940. The results showed good model accuracy compared to the previous tests. When the model was subjected to horizontal movement only, the lateral pile displacement decreased with the increase of top non-liquefiable layer thickness and vice versa. Whereas when both horizontal and vertical component of motions were applied to the model; the lateral pile displacement increased significantly in the case of the top non-liquefiable depth is 3 m only, and the vertical pile displacement increased with the reduction of top layer thickness. The presence of top liquefiable layer is very influential on the lateral pile displacement as it increased by 120%.

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