
AbstractSteryl ferulates (SFs) are ferulic acid esters of phytosterols and/or triterpene alcohols which have potential as frying oil antioxidants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti‐polymerization and antioxidant activity at frying temperatures of corn steryl ferulates (CSFs), rice steryl ferulates (oryzanol), and a mixture of CSFs with oryzanol, alone and with tocopherols. Antioxidant activity was measured by the reduction of polymerized triacylglycerol formation, and loss of olefinic and bisallylic protons from fatty acid double bonds by 1H NMR. CSFs and oryzanol slowed the oxidation and polymerization of soybean oil triacylglycerols heated to 180 °C more effectively than a mixture of alpha and gamma tocopherols. CSFs were more effective at preventing polymerization than oryzanol, but when oryzanol was combined with tocopherols, they all had similar antioxidant activity. In addition, tocopherols had a protective effect on SFs. Corn SFs were degraded more quickly during heating than oryzanol, however, the phytosterol constituents of corn SFs, sitostanol and campestanol, were actually more resistant to degradation compared to the phytosterol constituents of rice SFs. Results demonstrate that corn and rice SFs may be effective antioxidants for use in frying oils, and that their activity is enhanced in the presence of tocopherols.

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