
96 The velocity of combustion of condensed energy� rich systems in a pilot engine unit generally exceeds the combustion velocity in a laboratory constantpres� sure setup. This is caused by differences in heat trans� fer between the burning propellant and the environ� ment. The propellant in the engine receives additional radiation energy from the combustion products and the heated walls of the combustion chamber. The combustion velocity under laboratory conditions is measured using special samples, the diameter of which (1.5-3 cm) is chosen so that adiabatic combustion is approached. On samples of smaller diameter, conduc� tive heat loss due to heat transfer between the burning sample and the cold environment is noticeable, espe� cially at low pressures. In practice, the steady velocities of combustion in the constantpressure setup and the halfclosed space (engine) are related by the conversion factor K:

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