
The self-gravitational instability of an ionized, thermally-conducting, magnetized, rotating plasma flow through a porous medium has been studied in the presence of suspended particles. The ionized gas-particle medium has been considered rotating along and perpendicular to the vertical magnetic field. Propagation of the plasma waves has been studied for the longitudinal and the transverse modes for both the cases of rotation. A general dispersion relation has been derived with the help of relevant perturbation equations, using the method of normal mode analysis. The Jeans criterion determines the condition of gravitational instability in all the cases with some modifications introduced by the various parameters considered. Thermal conductivity replaces the adiabatic sonic speed by the isothermal one. Considering the longitudinal mode of propagation with perpendicular rotational axis, for an inviscid plasma with adiabatic behaviour the effect of both, the rotation and the suspended particles has been removed by the magnetic field. For the transverse mode of propagation with the axis of rotation parallel to the magnetic field, the viscosity removes the effect of both, the rotation and the suspended particles. Porosity reduces the effect of both, the rotation and the magnetic field, whereas the concentration of the suspended particles reduces the rotational effect.

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