
A study has been made of the electrical resistivity ρ, magnetoresistance Δρ/ρ, and magnetization of La0.35Nd0.35Sr0.3MnO3 epitaxial films on ZrO2(Y2O3), SrTiO3, LaAlO3, and MgO substrates. The first film can exist in four equivalent crystallographic orientations in the sample plane, while the other three have only one orientation. The maxima of ρ and Δρ/ρ of the first film are broadened considerably in the vicinity of the Curie point TC compared to the three others, the magnitude of ρ itself being larger by 1.5 orders of magnitude, and a large negative magnetoresistance (|Δρ/ρ| ∼ 10% in a field of 8.4 kOe) is observed at temperatures 80≤T≤200 K. In all films, the magnetic moment per molecule at 5 K is ∼46% smaller than the pure spin value, due to the existence of magnetically disordered regions. The larger value of ρ of the film deposited on ZrO2(Y2O3) is due to the electrical resistance of the boundaries separating regions with different crystallographic orientations, and the magnetoresistance is associated with polarized carriers tunneling through the boundaries coinciding with domain walls. The low-temperature magnetoresistance in fields above technical saturation is caused by the strong p-d exchange coupling within spin-ordered regions.

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