
Ba0.97La0.02Ti0.93Nb0.056O3 (illustrious as BLT0.93Nb0.056) novel lead-free sample was elaborated using the molten-salt reaction means. This polycristalline ceramic was checked by X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room-temperature (at RT), as well, the electric measurements over a broad temperature (T) and frequency (f) sequences. XRD pattern revealed a single-perovskite phase crystallized in a tetragonal system with P4/mmm space group. The electrical properties of the compound, deduced from the complex impedance analysis show a strong dependence on frequency (f). The EIS (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) data exhibited an approximately perfect semi-circle at elevated temperature in the complex plane plot as well as a practically ideal non-Debye peak shape in the spectroscopic plot. The semicircle arc specifies the existence of a frequency relaxation (fmax) as well as a time relaxation (τ). These results could help understand the relationship linking the structure and the electrical properties of BLT0.93Nb0.056.

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