
An in vivo digestibility and calorimetric experiment was performed on eight adult wethers to determine the digestibility and net energy content of wheat silages obtained from whole plants cut at different stages of maturity. Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L., var. Eridano) was harvested at the boot (B), midbloom (MB), milk (M) and dough (D) stages of maturity. The wethers were fed ad libitum in a 4×4 latin square digestibility trial. Each collection period lasted eight days with 3×24 h-cycles of respiration trials (indirect calorimetry in respiration chambers). In vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) was determined on dried samples of whole wheat cut from the same field at 10 different stages between boot and dough. Silage quality parameters were optimum for all stages. DM, OM and energy intake were significantly higher in the first and last stages of maturity (B and D) than in the medium stages (MB and M). DM, OM and energy digestibility decreased significantly from B to M stage but did not change between the last two stages. In contrast, CF, NDF and ADF digestibility decreased significantly with maturity. IVOMD had a quadratic trend of variation as a function of the stage of maturity, similar to the in vivo data, with the lower value at the M stage. Metabolizability ( q=ME/GE) followed the same trend of energy digestibility. NE l decreased with increasing stage of plant growth but the difference was significant only between the first stage and the last three stages. The nutritive values of the whole-crop wheat silages was very high for the B stage and decreased with successive stages of maturity (7.74, 6.41, 5.69 and 5.39 MJ NE l/kg DM at the B, MB, M and D stages). In contrast, DM yield was minimum at the B stage (3.3 t/ha) and increased with increasing maturity up to 9.6 t/ha at the D stage. As a consequence, a satisfactory compromise between yield and nutritive value would involve harvesting whole-crop wheat just before the milk stage.

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