
Weeds emerge throughout the year in agricultural fields in subtropical regions. The weed suppression and improved soil fertility resulting from a living mulch of hairy vetch were investigated. Hairy vetch was sown in October and in December 2006. The fallow condition was without the sowing of hairy vetch, with the weeds allowed to grow naturally. The biomass of the top parts (BOT) of hairy vetch increased from February to April and then decreased in May on both sowing dates. The BOT of hairy vetch sown in October was significantly higher in February, March, and April than that sown in December. Hairy vetch sown in October and harvested from February to April varied from 372–403 × 10−3 kg m−2, with weed suppression percentages of 62.8% in comparison with the fallow plots. The fixed C, N, P, and mineral uptake of hairy vetch showed similar patterns to its biomass. The nitrate (NO3‐N) content increased from February to May for the soils in the October and December plots, in contrast to the fallow plots. Moreover, the NO3‐N and available N of the October and December soils sampled from February to May were higher than that of the fallow soils. In subtropical agriculture, hairy vetch should be sown in October in order to achieve a higher biomass for suppressing weeds effectively and improving the soil fertility, mainly N.

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