
Thewater quality capturevolume (WQCV) is a design parameter that is used for sizing urban storm-water treatment facilities. The storage, treatment, overflow, and runoff model (STORM) in NetSTORM was used to translate historical hourly rainfall records into storm event runoff data and to compute the WQCV (set at the 85th percentile capture of the annual runoff volume) of eight cities located in various climatological areas of South Korea. For each city, one-parameter and two-parameter exponential distributions were fitted to the set of storm event runoff volumes that were computed by STORM, and the 85th percentile runoff volume that was determined from the STORM was compared to the 85th percentile runoff volumes that were obtained from the two exponential distributions. The results demonstrate that the more easily applied distribution approach is adequate in South Korea for determining the WQCV. In Seoul, which is a city located in the northwestern part of South Korea, the two-parameter exponential distribution yielded the best estimate of the WQCV computed by STORM. For Chuncheon, Wonju, and Daejeon, which are cities located in the north-central and central parts of South Korea, the WQCVs were accurately estimated using both the one-parameter and two-parameter exponential distributions. Finally, in the cities of Gangneung, Gwangju, Daegu, and Busan, which are located in the northeastern and southern parts of South Korea, the WQCVs were best estimated using the one- parameter exponential distribution. It was found that seasonal variations in rainfall and rainfall event depth are important factors in assessing the WQCV. This study also found that the one-parameter exponential distribution approach, which is the most common approach used in the United States, may not be adequate for WQCVestimation if the standard deviation for average monthly rainfall is significant. DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000204. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers. CE Database subject headings: Nonpoint pollution; Parameters; Rainfall; Seasonal variations; South Korea; Stormwater management; Water quality.

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