
After a coal seam is mined, the coal remaining in the goaf is prone to flooding and spontaneous combustion accidents. To explore the reignition (secondary oxidation) characteristics of long-flame coal after oxidation and water immersion, the experimental methods of thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy were used to analyze coal samples of oxidation first and then water immersion (FO) and samples of water immersion first and then oxidization (FI) at different pre-oxidation temperatures. The results showed that the content of main oxygen-containing functional groups (hydroxyl, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups) of the FO120 (oxidation 120 °C first and then water immersion) coal sample increased, and the FI 90 (water immersion first and then oxidization 90 °C) coal sample decreased. Pre-oxidation at 120 °C will slow down the decrease in the extent of low-temperature secondary oxidation TG, as the pre-oxidation temperature increases, the total heat release of the FO coal samples first increase and then decrease, and the heat released is high at 120 °C. The FI coal samples transfer active sites during the water immersion process, and the high pre-oxidation temperature leads to the rapid increase of the speed of the primary active site, which leads to the transformation between the secondary active site and the oxygen-containing group, resulting in the cleavage of the oxygen-containing group and increasing the heat production. Water immersion pre-oxidation performed under different conditions has the dual effects of promoting and inhibiting spontaneous coal combustion. This result provides a theoretical basis for preventing spontaneous combustion in coal-mined areas in shallow coal seams after soaking in water.

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