
In the Northwest of Mexico, grape is one of the main crops, specially for table grape (18,000 ha), the `Flame seedless' is one of the important cultivars. Some of the main problems present in this region is the shortage and high cost of the water, nematode and salinity. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of `Harmony' rootstock on `Flame seedless' for table grape. This study was caried in the INIFAP Caborca during 2001 cycle and consisted of ten plants of `Flame Seedless' on `Harmony' rootstock and ten control plants under the drip irrigation system, the statistical design used was completely randomized. The results obtained observe not negative effect for the `Harmony' rootstock on the phenology of `Flame seedless' (budbreak, flowering and color develpment). The effect was positive since harvest date advanced in 4 days (4 June), where as the control harvest was in 8 June, as far as color were no differences, because both treatments colored well, as far as quality this was better on rootstock than that was not grafted (greather berry size and cluster uniformity). The yield was 1,200 boxes/ha when we used rootstock, 335 boxes more than control and obtaining a saving cost of 100% in the nematode control and 30% in water consumption.

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