
A laboratory trail was carried out in a lab of the Seeds Examination and Certification in Babylon. Governorate., according to a complete random design (CRD) with four replicates. The trail consisted of three levels of water stress by adding PEG 6000 polyethylene glycol (0, -6 and -9) bar and symbolized by S0., S1., and S2., while the other factor included three concentrations to stimulate the seeds by soaking them in the growth regulator Brassinolide for 24 hours (0, 2, and 4) mg. L-1 and symbolized by B0, B1, and B2. The outcomes revealed the negative significant impact of water stress in reducing content of maize seedlings hormones, as the level of water shortage at S2. gave less average of gibberellin content, indole-acetic acid and cytokinin, while it caused an increase in abscess content. On the other hand, the Brassinolide treatment produced a remarkable boost, as B2 dose recorded the best mean of gibberellin, indole-acetic acid and cytokinin content, and the abscisic acid content decreased compared to the control treatment without addition. It can be concluded from this study is the possibility of increasing the germination efficiency of corn crop under conditions of water stress by using plant hormones, including Brassinolide for its role in increasing plant hormones responsible for embryo development and germination.

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