
Changes in the elastic constants cij of disordered cubic titanium carbide TiCy with an increasing the defectiveness of the carbon sublattice are estimated for the first time. It was found that the deviation of titanium carbide from the stoichiometric composition TiC1.0 leads to a decrease in the elastic stiffness constants cij of disordered TiCy carbide with a simultaneous increase in elastic anisotropy. The distributions of Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio μ in the (100) plane and the distributions of the shear modulus G in the (100), (110), and (111) planes have been calculated as functions on the crystallographic direction [hkl] and on the relative carbon content y in TiCy carbide. The lowest values of the shear modulus Ghkl for TiCy are observed in the (111) plane. Keywords: Titanium carbide, Nonstoichiometry, Vacancies, Elastic properties.

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