
COTTON in the Sudan Gezira, where some 240,000 feddans (1 feddan = 1.034 acres) of Gossypium barbadense L. are grown by gravity irrigation from the Sennar Dam, is attacked, particularly during the first 3½ months of its growth, by three important leaf-feeding insects, namely, the jassid, Empoasca libyca de Berg.; whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gen. and thrips, Hercothrips fumipennis Bag. and Cam.1. These insects may cause important loss in yield of seed cotton2, but their intensity of attack varies from season to season2,3. If, however, application of control measures is delayed until damage is easily visible, yield benefit from such control may be seriously reduced2. An object of entomological research is prediction of outbreaks of economic significance.

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