
It has become widely accepted that particles with long-range hopping do not undergo Anderson localization. However, several recent studies demonstrated localization of particles with long-range hopping. In particular, it was recently shown that the effect of long-range hopping in 1D lattices can be mitigated by cooperative shielding, which makes the system behave effectively as one with short-range hopping. Here, we show that cooperative shielding, demonstrated previously for 1D lattices, extends to 3D lattices with isotropic long-range $r^{-\alpha}$ hopping, but not to 3D lattices with dipolar-like anisotropic long-range hopping. We demonstrate the presence of localization in 3D lattices with uniform ($\alpha=0$) isotropic long-range hopping and the absence of localization with uniform anisotropic long-range hopping by using the scaling behaviour of eigenstate participation ratios. We use the scaling behaviour of participation ratios and energy level statistics to show that the existence of delocalized, non-ergodic extended, or localized states in the presence of disorder depends on both the exponents $\alpha$ and the isotropy of the long-range hopping amplitudes.

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