
This study aimed to determine the effect of catfish meat to increase protein of jerked meat cassava leaves (Manihot utilissima) and to find the best products from cassava leaves jerked meat. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Engineering and Process Technology, Chemical Agricultural Products and Nutrition Department of Agricultural Technology Andalas University from August to October 2014. The method used in this study experimental method, using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments are the addition of catfish meat, respectively : 37.5 % (A), 50 % (B), 62.5 % (C), 75 % (D), 87.5 % (E), and 100 % (F). Data was processed with statistically by using ANOVA which was followed by Duncan 's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the 5% significance level. The results of this study showed that the addition of catfish meat were very significantly effect on the improvement of cassava leaves protein jerked ranged from 25.9 % - 38.08 %, decreasing water content that ranges between 7.58 % - 9.16 %, increasing ash content which ranged between 1.15 % - 1.54 %, and fat content ranged from 28.83 % - 33.33 %. Based on sensory analysis, the best product is treatment B ( the addition of 50 % of catfish meat), where color was preferred by 70% panelist, flavor by 75%, taste by 90%, and texture by 90% of panelist.

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