
AbstractThe freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata wasprovided green algal-dominated water from a Parti-tioned Aquaculture System (PAS) over a range ofwater temperatures (6.1^32.41C) and suspendedparticulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations(o1^32.2mgCL 1 ) to determine ¢ltration rates asmgPOCkg 1 wet tissue weighth . The lowest ¢l-tration rates were observed at lowest temperaturesand POC concentrations while thehighest rates wereat intermediate temperatures and the highest POClevels. The predicted ¢ltration rate (PFR) in responseto water temperature and POC concentrations wasas follows: lnPFR51.4352 10.1192 POC 10.1399T 0.0001 T 3 . Within the experimental conditions,PFRs at any POC concentration increased withincreased water temperature to a peak at 221Candthen decreased. The maximum PFR occurredat 22 1Cand32mgCL 1 and the minimum PFRat 7 1Cand1mgCL 1 . A model to describe themussel ¢ltration rate responses to PAS waterconditions involves both water temperature and POCconcentration.Keywords: ¢ltration rate, freshwater mussel, PAS,culturesystemIntroductionA Partitioned Aquaculture System (PAS) separates aculture pond into four distinct components (paddle-wheels, algal basin, ¢lter-feeder area and culturespeciesarea)linkedbyahomogeneouswatervelocity¢eld (Brune, Schwartz, Eversole, Collier & Schwedler2004). Paddlewheels provide watercurrent, nutrientmixing,uniformsunlightexposuretophytoplanktonandcontinuous£owoverthealgalbasin,¢lterfeederand cultured species areas. Phytoplankton inthe al-galbasin(95%ofthePASarea)useinorganic¢shme-tabolic wastes (nutrients) to sustain high primaryproductivity levels. Feeding rates and ¢sh carryingcapacityof thePASisaboutthreeto ¢vetimesthatofconventional cat¢sh culture ponds because of sus-tained high phytoplanktonproductivity (Brune etal.2004).Filter-feedingorganisms,byharvestingphyto-plankton, reduce cell age and stabilize a standingcrop of faster-growing phytoplankton cells at re-duced respiration rates and increased oxygen pro-ductionper watervolume(Bruneetal.2004).Someofthetermsusedinliteraturetoexpress¢ltra-tion activity of suspension feeders include clearancerate, pumping rate, ¢ltration rate, ingestion rate, up-take rate, and retention rate (see, e.g. Foster-Smith1975; Walz 1978, Winter 1978; Riisgrd 2001a). Theterm ¢ltration rate inthis studyand inthis paper re-fers strictly to the amount of suspended phytoplank-ton(seston)removedfromthewatercolumnperunittimeandincludesboththose¢lteredparticlesconso-lidated in pseudofaeces and those consumed, and isidentical to the terms uptake rate and retention rateof Foster-Smith (1975) andWalz (1978).The role of a¢lterfeederinstabilizingalgalstandingcropbiomassin PAS water is more appropriately estimated usingthis de¢nition of ¢ltration rate than measures esti-matingtheamountofwater¢lteredoringestionrate.

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