
Naked barley products used in bread making gain popularity as a source of both soluble and insoluble fractions of dietary fibre, especially β-glucans. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of different naked barley flour share in rye bread formulations and dough preparation methods (Single-phase and Detmold sourdough) on non-starch polysaccharides content and solubility and antioxidant properties of products at different processing stage. Naked barley incorporation to rye contributed to the increase in dietary fibre content with higher soluble fraction share, highly enriched products in β-glucan and increased antioxidant activity of products. It also contains high amounts of arabinoxylans, but less soluble than those from rye. A Single Phase method of rye bread production resulted in higher β-glucan concentration in products and their antioxidant activity, compared to Detmold method products. The nutritional quality of bread is highly influenced by the process parameters.

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