
Health is wealth. Keeping our body in good health is our duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Science and technology have revolutionized the life style of mankind. Increased standard of living has brought great comfort to mankind. Along with this developments, the modern man becoming submerged in the material world with large number of problems and recurrent ailments. Stress and frustration and physical ailments have become common among the people in this world1. Birth is not for being tortured by diseases and problems. Happiness is the birth-right and the nature of mankind. Health only can give the happiness. But the happiness of women is disturbed very much by the menstrual problems. Every Woman may become physically, mentally and emotionally healthy through Yoga. The practice of Yogasanas for physical body and Pranayama for mind through Surya Namaskar will bring a positive change in mind & body, which in turn make people free to enjoy a harmony, healthy and wealthy life.

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