
Maize, queen of cereals is a nutrient exhaustive crop and sensitive to sulphur deficiency. Sulphur deficiency in corn results in interveinal chlorosis, yellowing of younger leaves, reddening of stems and leaves. Sulphur is the fourth major plant nutrient next to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It plays a prominent role in formation of chlorophyll, proteins, oil synthesis and biosynthesis of proteins. Sulphur has significant role in growth parameters, yield attributes and yield of maize crop. The uptake of primary nutrients and efficiency of applied fertilizers were seriously influenced by sulphur availability. Sustaining higher yield is not possible under sulphur deficiency. The investigations carried out by eminent research scientist in maize has shown positive impact and application of 45 to 60 kg ha-1 of sulphur gave maximum growth, yield attributes, nutrient uptake, yield and quality parameters. The present paper is a panoramic view of sulphur nutrition in maize from results of different researchers.

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